
always on the brink, trying never to show it...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

musing on the day

Having recovered a little from yesterday's inaugural post...of course, the second immediately following the one during which I hit send, I thought of about one hundred interesting and witty things I could have typed. However, it felt a little obsessive to post again right away and even more obsessive to edit my previous post, as if I'm too insecure to actually let the first one stand on it's own without a little tweaking...yes, I'd say "Teetering" was definitely the right choice in a blog name, wouldn't you?

Spent most of today outside with the kids. And the neighbors. And the neighbor's dog. In my house. Why the hell is the dog in my house when everybody else is outside? It's like the time my spouse was wiring the house for dsl and looked up to find that dog's owner in the house. "Hello! How are you today?" Scared out of my pants, how the heck are you? Why would you even enter another person's house without being invited? I don't understand that. Just like I don't understand that same neighbor who stands across the street shouting at me, "We're about to leave town for two weeks! We're flying on X plane at X time and we're staying at X hotel!" Maybe I'm just a paranoid freakazoid, but forgawdsake Lady, have some discretion!

Anyway, I digressed. Get used to that. Spent the day outside with the kids after the spouse went away to install a garage door opener at the in-law's house. Many periods of tears and shouting. A couple of incidents and accidents on bicycles. One point in which I had to tell the (same!) neighbor daughter to please untie the dog from my four year old's bicycle while she was riding. "But why?" Well, let's see. Because she broke her arm on that bike and she just had eye surgery last week and if your lovely animal decides to make a break for it she'll probably break some teeth off with her luck? How's that? Untie the dog! The reality is that the dog would never make a break for it. As my dog is prancing around her trying to animate her to do something, anything, she sometimes makes a half-hearted stab at standing before immediately resuming her plotz. And I don't care how much people say that girls are worse than boys socially. My son cannot play with more than one child at a time to save his life. He's with this one and then that one, and if another one steps in, it's all tears and mayhem. sheesh. I wonder if I did this to him? Have I rushed in to save social situations too many times and now at the tender age of six years old is he ruined already for life? I hope not. But it's really too early to see. I just keep trying to give him some problem solving skills and move on.

Back to work tomorrow after ten luxurious days off...except for that one day when the office called in a panic needing X information, necessitating a drive in with both children in tow to recover and photocopy said information (I knew I should have brought that file home). A full day of interviews to replace the colleague who has left. Wish us luck. Not looking forward to that at all--mostly because I don't really feel like answering any questions about the aforementioned file when the boss shows up to the panel. oy. Is it almost Christmas?


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